Author: Leisa McCord

Delayed opening Tuesday, Jan. 16

For the safety of our students, faculty, and staff, UTHealth Houston will have a delayed opening on Tuesday, Jan. 16. 

Students will begin at noon, and are asked to check with individual schools for more information.

Employees will begin at 10 a.m., and are asked to refer to the employee guide on adverse weather events.

Clinical staff working at our hospital affiliates, UT Physicians, UT Dentists, or the UTHealth Houston Behavioral Sciences Campus should check in with their supervisors.

Additional details may be found in the email sent to all students, faculty, and staff on Monday, Jan. 15, or on the intranet.

UTHealth Houston websites experiencing loading delays

UTHealth Houston is aware of a problem with its website content management system, which is causing loading delays and missing content on some university websites. IT and University Web Services are working to fully restore service. 

Please contact University Web Services for immediate assistance at 713-500-3296 or